look out of my kitchen window every morning to watch the starlings
who are now at this time of year in a battle of wits to take over the
nest boxes for the coming Spring, when they will once again be raising
their young. On this particular morning I looked out of the window
and saw a starling hanging by it's foot out of the opening of the
nest box, I was quite concerned about this as I thought it had caught
it's foot on something. I grabbed the binoculars to get a closer view
of what was happening. To my astonishment, I saw that the
starling fluttering about the opening of the nest box was being held
by another starling inside the box. I decided that this was a warning
to say "I got here first, go away!" I would have to assume
that is was the female who was doing the attacking, being very
protective of her home.There are two nest boxes next to each other
and it would appear that we have quite a few starlings trying to get into
the boxes to stake their claim. I will be watching with interest over
the next few days in the hope that peace will once again prevail and
the birds will accept their loss or gain of a home and settle down.
A little poem I found:
watch the starlings
their collective dance..
each bird deciding for the all
each on the edge of
chaos and fall..
local decisions on moving
coupling a mysterious
non-local intuition..
all spurring our wonder
our disbelief
watch the starlings
once more..
locate where you now stand
my edge in my time
absorb the starling's miracle
murmuring our own
Enjoy your day