Sunday, 27 August 2017

Stay Calm and Collected

In my last blog I was looking for a new tablet to replace my old tired one. I had to make a decision as to what make I would purchase. After careful consideration and taking into account the useful information from friends, I decided to stay with once again an Android tablet. I must say, I was wavering towards an Apple iPad, however, since my laptop and smart phone would not be compatible this made my choice that much easier.

I am now faced with the problem of setting my old tablet to a factory setting to delete all my data. This is, I may add no mean feat. As I set up the new tablet, all my data from the old one synced perfectly through, this is great I thought. But wait a minute, if  I now do a reset will I lose my photos and music on all devices???? so, I did a few experiments to find that indeed yes, I would lose my photos and music if I deleted them from the old tablet even when I disable the syncing from all devices.

Having had the guidance from a friend and checked on Google for answers, I find that after five days of reading, trying and totally being frustrated, I am back at square one with an old tablet holding all my data and feeling totally inadequate at reading and listening to instructions to effectively do what should be a simple function as this. One would think that in this day and age of technology, to simply press a button would do the job, of course what is the right button, now there is a thought!!

I guess there is only one solution for me I shall have to succumb to having this done by a qualified technician and pay for my inadequacy. I could of course put my old tablet in a drawer and forget about it.......or could I? No, I doubt that very much, I like to have these things tied and sorted having peace of mind that precious photos and the like are not going to come back and haunt me and become an issue of concern if the old device is once again reserected.

One consolation, I am enjoying my new tablet and learning the various functions that it has to offer and to stay calm and collective in the hope I find a solution and put all this frustration behind me and move forward to less demanding projects.

Have a happy day and don't sweat the small stuff!!

Sunday, 20 August 2017

Decisions, decisions

I am in the process of replacing my tired Android tablet. But, what to choose.....having looked online for comparisons and shopped personally, I am in a conundrum. Do I go for Apple or Microsoft. Will it be iPad, Windows or Android. Will I choose WiFi, cellular or both. What colour even, how many gigabytes. Oh to have a technical mind. It's all too much at a senior age!!

A friend has advised I go with Apple, however, having only known and worked with Microsoft I am reluctant to change. I suppose if I make a wrong choice I only have to live with it for a few short years as batteries lose their power and storage can be an issue, although I am told 'get icloud' storage will no longer be  a problem and those thousands of photos can be kept safe, that's a relief then. So, yet another decision to be made.

No doubt in the weeks to follow I will eventually be sitting at home with a brand new toy, trying to come to grips with all the features to explore. Happy days!!

Don't worry, be happy!

Monday, 14 August 2017

The Return Home

A few snaps from my trip

I have just returned from a wonderful six weeks holiday in Scotland, taking in a trip to Paris for seven days and a long weekend with my Niece and partner in England.

The whole trip seemed like a whirlwind, having something to do each day and to visit family and friends, not enough time to spend with each only a few days or hours with some, although it was quality time and very enjoyable and memorable.

The weather was not too kind to us, however, when the sun did come out, it was very hot.

The time spent in the air was quite tiring, the first flight out of New Zealand was eleven hours to Hong Kong, then ten hours to London and another hour to Edinburgh. The same on the way back.
To sit in a chair for such long periods can be quite stressful, however, the movies, music etc in flight was not too bad. Then came the meals, my do we eat an awful lot of food, albeit very tasty and healthy then there is the nice glass of wine which assists in keeping the mind in a slight trance of wellbeing, well for some it does! So, after all the activities of meal time it is time to settle down to try and sleep, huh! no chance, not so easy to sleep in the upright position moving from one side to the other so you watch another film, then another and by this time your eyes are hanging out for sleep.
But, time moves on and its time for another meal and at last the descent down to our destination.

I did this same routine four times and by the time I got back to New Zealand although I had a marvellous time, I was ready to get home to a normal routine and familiar sights and a well earned sleep.

My husband had had six weeks of looking after the house, the garden and the dogs, and he did a splendid job too. I wondered if my dogs would have forgotten me, no they had not. I was sniffed, nuzzled and followed from room to room, they were happy Mum was home.

It is always nice to go away, but so much nicer to come home.

Having said all that, roll on the next trip back to Scotland, Och Aye the Noo!!

Have a brilliant day