Wednesday, 21 November 2018


Time - a small word with endless meaning.

There are so many writings about 'Time' the dictionary meaning is written as, 'the indefinite continued progress of existence and events in the past, present and future regarded as a whole'.

Time exists in our every moment of activity or inactivity, in our very being and never ceases.

Is it not also important that we manage our time to build upon friendships and relationships, to spend time with family and the community enjoying a sense of purpose and caring for one another and not be wasting time on anger and hurt causing pain and misery.

Music, poems and quotes have been written depicting that little but very meaningful word.

To name a few -

Proverb; Time and tide wait for no man

Music ; Enya

              Who can say where the road goes
               Where the day flows, only time........

                Activist Pete Seeger

                 A time for every purpose under heaven
                 A time to be born, a time to die.......

Poem;      By a dear friend

                  Time moves ever onwards
                  And nothing stays the same......

A more serious blog for me this time although not actually saying anything that has not already been said, however, perhaps food for thought on how we spend our time.

Thank you for reading this.

Have a great day